Produce the Solution Architecture Definition outlining the architecture required to implement solutions to meet business and technology requirements.

A Solution Architecture Definition (SAD) represents the structured plan detailing the components, relationships and guidelines that govern how a technology solution will be constructed to fulfill business requirements.

Developed early within initiative lifecycles, SADs promote shared understanding across stakeholders while optimising downstream development:

Functional Breakdown – We decompose solution contexts into logical segments (interfaces, processes, data, infrastructure, security) fully capturing intended capabilities.

Visual Mapping – We illustrate solution ecosystem technical aspects and data/control flows via accessible architecture diagrams tied to narratives.

Vendor Alignment – We coordinate with vendors during SAD planning to reveal integration requirements, gaps or risks regarding preferred solution components.

Dev Team Optimisation – We craft SADs allowing dispersed development teams to work autonomously on solution elements reducing dependencies.

Evolution Planning – We consider future state to enable forthcoming solution enhancements, upgrades and features with minimal rework.

Compliance Enablement – We ensure SADs sufficiently cover cybersecurity, data management and operational controls to streamline audit and oversight processes.

With expert architects guiding solutions from concepts to completed designs, organisations gain assurance that investments directly map to business goals while proactively mitigating implementation risks.

Get in touch today and see how SA can help you with your SAD's.